
Kid's Classes

Ages 7 to 12

The Basic Training Club teaches all of the basic stances, strikes, and kicks needed to defend themselves.

Respect, self-discipline, focus, and agility are some of the traits that we work on in this class.

Basic Training Club

Class Times:

Black Belt Training Club I

Class Times:

Ages 7 - 12

The BBTCI (Black Belt Training Club) is a 45 minute class that teaches confidence and self-defense techniques.

Our primary goal is to teach them to stand up for themselves against physical and mental bullying.

Ages 9 - 12

The BBTCII (Black Belt Training Club) teaches advanced material to our dedicated students.

Through hard work and dedication these students will earn their Junior Black Belt.

Black Belt Training Club II

Class Times:

Adult Classes

Kenpo Karate teaches scientific street fighting utilizing rules and principles.

These classes teach our adult students how to defend themselves against every form of attack from punches and kicks to grabs, holds and weapons.

White, Yellow, & Orange Belts

Purple, Blue, & Green Belts

Brown & Black Belts